Tag Me Podcast

Influencer & Actress Marta Pozzan: How To Get Paid To Post Content on Instagram & Social Media Tips For Fashion Influencers

Audrie Season 1 Episode 3

In this episode of Tag Me Podcast, we’ll be learning social media tips from fashion influencer and actress, Marta Pozzan. She’ll be sharing how she uses social media to land deals with brands like Dior, Estee Lauder, and American Express to create sponsored content. If you are interested in learning her fashion week do's and don'ts or how she was picked to speak at TEDx about social media - stay tuned. She also shares tips for brands who would like to work with talent.

Marta's Social Media:
Instagram @martapozzan
Facebook Marta Pozzan
YouTube Marta Pozzan
TikTok @martapozzan

CONNECT WITH US ON INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/tagmepodcast/

Audrie:   0:08
Her social content consists of fashion and beauty. She was on the cover of Elle Bulgaria and she was recently asked to speak about social media at tedX.

Audrie:   0:51
For people who may not know you quickly share what you do and how you got started?

Marta:   1:06
All right, so I work with fashion and beauty brands on social media partnerships, which means that I post on instagram and on my social media platforms about their latest collections and like post their events, um, promote their products. I started working in fashion when I was 19 and I was still in college. I was a ghost writer for an editor at Vanity Fair in Milan, and I thought of that time that I just wanted to be a fashion writer like a fashion editor. Um, it was really fun, like think of like the devil wears Prada. That's like That was my life for a couple years. But then I realized that things were changing like, you know, prints. Not really where it used to be, like 10 years ago, and I feel like Instagram was not a thing yet, But in a couple of years, I feel like when it came to Los Angeles. You know, it became a thing, and I'm like, Oh, I could make a job out of it. So I quit that job and came to LA Went to acting school for eight months just to get my visa just to get started, and then I kind of used all my contacts from the job that I had at Vanity Fair to get, you know, more to get to know more people in LA in fashion and beauty. And I started posting online And you know at that time, it was Ah, it's almost like, think of like, um, what was it, um, in my space. But like that was for music and the online lookbook was the equivalent of that for fashion. So you post your outfits every day. I would make a list of the things that I wanted to do. People that I wanted to meet friends that I wanted to work with, and I did that before coming to LA. In fact, my first brand partnership ever was with Nasty Gal and at that time, it was like, really like the biggest brand like for teenagers. And I feel like I'm you know, I've always wanted to work with that company. And I came here and I reached out to them and they didn't get back to me right away. But then a month later, they were like okay. We'll give you some clothes, you shoot some content, show us what you can do, and we'll take it from there. And I did so and they love the images. And they did a feature on me on their website. And then they hired me officially for a shoe collaboration. So that was my first brand partnership in L. A. And I think that was around, um, six years ago.

Audrie:   3:23
Your persistency has paid off because I know you actually recently went on a trip with them overseas hosted by Cara Delevingne. Tell us about that.

Marta:   3:30
I went to London in October,  for their collaboration with Cara Delevingne. They had a bunch of girls from different countries, mostly, like Australia, UK and us go to London to celebrate the launch. It was really fun. It was. I think one of their first strips actually like with, like, influencers. We got to meet Cara. Ah, we got to party at this crazy venue that also I think they have it in New York as well. Um, we got to wear the collection. It was It's one of my favorite like brands to work with.  

Audrie:   4:03
What do you love most about influence or trips when you're going with the brand?  

Marta:   4:07
When I go on influencer trips, I feel like I, um I always meet really great girls. Sometimes I'm a little bit shy Or like I'm like, Oh, I don't know anybody there like is it gonna be fun? Am I gonna make friends? But I always make a good friend out of every trip I met this girl just seen she's an amazing influence or a model. She's 21. She's so fun Hang out with and I don't know she was. Now we like we're friends.   

Audrie:   4:36
Shout out to Justine I actually know who she's talking about because when she met Justine on the trip, I actually remembered her because I'd gifted Justin before for some of the brands I worked with.

Marta:   4:46
Justine Mae Biticon find her on instagram.   

Audrie:   4:57
Um okay, So what do you not like most about influencer trips that maybe could be changed or would help a brand if they knew?

Marta:   5:08
Um, influencer trips can be tricky sometimes, cause a lot of all the girls are not, um, outgoing. So they will have a hard time making friends with people like I'm the opposite of that cause I love talking to people meeting new peopIe.  

Audrie:   5:22
Marta is one of the coolest people I know and so creative. So if you don't already follow her on instagram, follow her @MartaPozzan you'll be sure to be entertained.   

Marta:   5:35
Sometimes girls are like shy don't They don't really engage with other girls on the same trip. And I don't think that should be a thing. I feel like, you know, I don't know, They should make maybe like, um, like an intro kind of game like an icebreaker, something like that wear like, you can actually talk about who you are, what you like and, you know, just there as a model to work for the brand. But you're also there as a person that has passions and things that she likes, and knowing that about someone, like helps you connect with them better. So I feel like there should be something like that before that. You know the trade for, like, the first day so that girls can, like, get to know each other a little more.  

Audrie:   6:14
That's a great idea. Yeah, like an icebreaker. You can pioneer that. That's cool.  

Marta:   6:19
Yeah, I should do that. Yeah, because I think a lot of times people go into it assuming that everyone will know each other and even me. In the past couple of years, I've realized how big this industry is. And even though maybe we do know so many people, there are so many people that live outside of There's so many people, these specific categories and social media. We work and, like, I know that you and I really well versed in the fashion and beauty space. But there are so many other spaces in so many new emerging talents and brands every day. So I think that would be really good for brand trips. They had a whole group of girls from Australia, and they were huge influencers, but I didn't know any of them. Right. So yeah, we should we should introduce us. I know, but It's so nice to meet new people. Which is why we're here.   

Audrie:   7:07
So I know during that trip. You actually didn't have a manager at the time, because for a while you decided to manage yourself. Talk to us about that.  

Marta:   7:15
Um, so when I first came here after, you know, I got my my student visa, I got my work visa. I signed with next models, which at that time, for me, it was like a huge deal because I've been wanting to sign with him for a long time, and I did. And I was so loyal to them and I was with him for four years, and then I felt like I needed something new, something different. So I, um, I signed with a different company, was a management company, but they represent more YouTube talent and I they didn't really understand the kind of brands and I needed to work with. So I tried that for another year, and then I'm like, you know what? I know so many people. I know so many brands. Um, I could do this myself and try it out for a little bit and see how it goes. And I was able to work with the same brands that I worked with before. So I kept my clients from the previous years that I and I just I got also new clients. I was able to like manage, um, you know, like negotiations. It's not like the best. I don't like to talk about money with brands at talents. Would never do that, that I'd rather that than being with a manager that isn't the right fit. It's almost like a boyfriend girlfriend. You don't want to have a partner, that is not right? You'd rather be single if it's not the right fit. So I always tell them I'm single. But now my manager's amazing. She is one of the best people that I've ever met in the industry. She used to manage me at next models before I left the agency, and then she also left and she does her own thing now, and she just she like me. She's super connected, and she knows all the brands and, um, she just very, um, she's own it. Like she's credible. 

Audrie:   9:00

Audrie:   9:00
You  are dressed so nice right now. You look so fabulous where are you headed after this.  

Marta:   9:22
I'm going to this Elle Magazine party. It's hosted by Sydney. Um, I forget the name of a role. She plays one of the main girls out in Euphoria. It's a cute award season event.  

Audrie:   9:34
Because I know you, I know that any time you've been interested in working with a brand or being on a magazine cover, which shout out, you made it on the cover of Elle Bulgaria's digital magazine. I know that you've done a lot of work for them before You were even on their radar to get their attention. And for some of you who don't know Marta, she actually acts too. And when she's not producing her own content, she's writing scripts. Hopefully for a show. Let's manifest that one. Well, that will come out in the next few years. But how? How has, um, I think this is a loaded question. I don't even know where I went with this. I just got so excited with everything you're doing. But what would you say to girls who are around like you're following if they are looking to be on a cover or they're looking to work with brands like you have, and they're not on the radar? How would they capture their attention?   

Marta:   10:33
Um, so I think I've always wanted to work with fashion publications as a talent more than just be an influencer. So I always try to like, um to post stuff. That's not just about what I wear, what I like, kind of make up on. I have on more like you something broader, Like a story. I tell a story. Like talk about movies that you like. I always try to share a point of view that people will resonate with. And I think showing your personality is actually very important. Um, anybody from production companies to magazines, to agents and managers. They want to see who you are. They want to see what you care about, what you like, what you feel for. And I know a lot of influencers fear. You know, that brands are not gonna want to work with them if they talk about a certain topic and they share their opinion on it and maybe a lot people might not agree with it. But I think that's life. If you're not gonna like, you know, put yourself out there, you're not. You're never gonna get anything great back because you're not risk taking risks. And I feel like you should be more of a risk taker in, like, you know, your content and do that I don't know, and I don't know enough of that. I'm working on it more, but I feel like that's what makes you unique and appealing to those companies and people. You know.  

Audrie:   11:51
One of the coolest things I think you've ever done is your TEDx talk. I can't even imagine being on stage having that kite type of conversation. I think I'd probably pee my pants on stage.  

Marta:   12:02
No, you do great, actually, because you can do this. So it's not that different. You know, there's just people watching you, but you can pretend like they are not watching.  

Audrie:   12:10
Talk to us about how that happened and what you talked about while you were on there.  

Marta:   12:13
So to tell you the whole truth behind it. So my friend knew this guy that's putting together the TEDx in Italy because there's different techniques and each in different countries. And they wanted an influencer in they had a girl already scheduled. But after she you know, after she was confirmed, she realized how much work it was because you have to, like, train with a coach and working with them once a week to like, prepare your speech and she'll like this too much. I can't do it. I'm not gonna name who so they were like, we don't have a girl anymore. Like we really wanted to work with a digital talent.  

Audrie:   12:47
Thank God it didn't work out because you ended up on it!

Marta:   12:50
Yes. Oh, my friend was like, Should I put you up for this? And I'm like, Yeah, I know. Like I've never really liked done like some. I mean, I've done public speaking before, but every time is different. And I know that with Ted, you have to be super prepared, and you can't just, um wing it you have to learn your speech and writing and get it approved. So they she pitched me, and, um, she they got they liked me and they were like, Yeah, let's do it. So I had to write my whole statement and, you know, like I sent him a bio. Like I explained them what I do, because back there, they didn't They don't know. They don't now they do. But they didn't really know what a digital talent influencer is, and they were really interested in that. So, um, you can't talk about anything that's too political or religious or like, um, sexual. So they had to approve my you know, my topics. And so they did. And, uh, I went there and did it, and we talked about social media and how we can define our day, based on the apps that we use and how our life is so connected to like our phone in the way that now we don't even let go anywhere without using an app. Because there's uber. There's Postmates, only that companies that are that became so necessary to everyday life. And so I talked about that, and I talked about all the different aspect of like being in digital talent. Now you don't even have to be real to do. It's like influencer Lil Miquela - she is an avatar. She's a digitalized influencer, but she's working with brands, and she's getting sponsored content. She's getting huge brand partnerships, and she has a whole team behind her. So it's really interesting stuff, and now there's like another app where you don't have to buy clothes anymore. You can just buy the app, and they can like basically show you what the clothes will look like on you with technology.   

Audrie:   15:02
Speaking of clothing brands. You actually just launched a collection with one?  

Marta:   15:06
I just recently launched a collection with Shop AFRM were I actually designed to pick the fabric and it did really well. So I have always wanted design clothes for a company that's already existing. Yeah, I've been thinking about doing my own brand, but I'm like it's so much work. It's so much of everything that I'm like. I don't think I can dedicate my entire time to just that. But I would love to collaborate with a brand that has a structure already. So I went to Shop AFRM because I worked with before, like, a couple of years. I been in touch and working with them for a couple years, and I told them like I have this idea for, like, a capsule collection for the holidays. And I picked the prints and the styles and they were like, Well, let's let's do it So, um, in my eventually sell at Nordstrom from we don't know that yet, but it's it's doing really well online, and I'm inspired to do more.  

Audrie:   16:16
I love that! Where can people find it?

Marta:   16:18
On Shop AFRM. And you can click on the link in my bio @MartaPozzan

Audrie:   16:35
OK, so speaking about brands, what would be an ideal brand where you would love to design something for that you haven't worked with yet?  

Marta:   16:42
Oh, my Oh, you know, I actually have this idea. Maybe I shouldn't share it. I have this great idea for a denim brand, but it's different. Like how to use denim for things that you normally wouldn't wear denim for. Um um, So something around that.

Audrie:   17:00
If you're cool, you're edgy and looking for someone artsy who also has great engagement. Marta's your girl, and she also makes great content, which, Okay, I want you to share with people about that. How do you create sponsored content?

Marta:   17:39
So I like, As I was saying earlier, I like to think of a story and a message behind every piece of content that I create. And it's easier when it's video content because you can, you know, there's pictures, emotion. So, um, I was reading a book about strippers. Funny enough and like an older crazy stories. Um, and I took some of the some of the script that I put in the Miu Miu video from this book where nobody knows that, but they think I'm talking about how it is to be an influencer. But I'm talking about this girl that she was sharing, how she felt being a stripper. So if you want it again, you can like, notice that. But I just wanted to make something very bright and colorful because the campaign that Miu Miu had at that time with Elle Fanning was very, uh, Euphoria like collab is very like neon lights and flashy lights, which is, um, you know, very like LA at night. So I just got inspired by that by the book that I was reading and then the perfume Ah, the colors at it like pink and gold. And so I just kind of like, you know, that's how I got inspired to create and we shot it in like, a couple hours and cut it in, like maybe just one and 1/2 days. So that was all in one day.   

Audrie:   18:56
I think video content performs so well the amount of Likes don't equate how many people actually engaged with that photo or ended up buying something from it or were affected by it.  

Marta:   19:06
Yeah, I mean, it's great to have a huge following, but it's, you know, the buying power off someone's Instagram is not, determined by the number of followers that more like the quality of the content and the kind of if are they like, you know, specific in one niche, then they'll have more specific audience. And so it's really not just about the following, but a lot of brands just want to see numbers, and they think that that's it.   

Marta:   19:31
So, besides, following there is like Link clicks.  

Marta:   19:38
Every type of sponsored content does Link clicks on instagram stories, right, which helps but all I always think that along with that, we should have. If you really want them to buy something, you should keep it. Keep the link on your bio for a little bit, because that I mean, I, for example, from my Shop AFRM collaboration It's all it's been there for a couple months for a month and 1/2 actually. So, um, that helps, I think   

Audrie:   20:02
Yeah. What would you say to someone who eventually wants to grow to be like you in the sense of not only be an influence or someone who's post in fashion and beauty but wants to break out into other areas?  

Marta:   20:13
I think for anybody sorting out the main one thing is to stay humble and to know that if you are good to people and you show your talent and you show your like, willing to work hard to go to get what you need to get, people are gonna give you a shot. Yeah, So it's just about I think it's all about like how you are as a person in these jobs, you know, in these, like work relationships, because ultimately we're like humans, you know? And we want, like, hire people that are good and brands tell me all the time we don't want to work with girls or guys or people that are not nice, because what's the point? You know, there's somebody here working choose from, all be like someone nice and grateful. So I think always be grateful. Have a strong point of view Work really hard. I think that you can make it, because if you don't think that you could make it, nobody will. So self confidence is key, but also stay humble. And I think that's in life. That's the main thing I'd always try to be, um, one to be like, you know, grateful   

Audrie:   31:30
Who are some creatives that you've worked with that you absolutely loved that you want to share about?  Um, but keep in mind if they're photographers videographers, you might make their schedules really busy.

Marta:   31:30
Uh, let me think. Well, I just shot the other day with my friend Gabe. And he's, um he takes photos and video content and He's just exactly what we talked about. Humble, really smart, really talented. But he won't brag about what he does. He just does it because he loves it. Um, I love working with him. Um, I love working. She's not, I guess, creative. But she's behind the scenes, which is still fine. My friend Sarah Gun from Estee Lauder. She's like one of the best people that I, you know, met in this industry. She's super loyal, super great, super knowledgeable, and she's quick. She does research, too, like she just knows that I'll pick the right people for the right projects. I think that's a skill that a lot of brands and companies don't have, cause there's the right people for the right project, and I think 100 something important. And if you miss that, people like you know, our audiences will notice that, like I it says If I was doing ah, I mean I shouldn't name names, but I'm saying you should always make sure that your collabs are aligned with your brand. You know, right.

Audrie:   31:30
One of the things I admire most about you is that you make work when there isn't even an opportunity that exists. And what I mean by that is what I mentioned previously. If you really want to work with a brand, you'll start creating content that you think they'll notice, and it'll be content that people aren't even producing it. But you're like the video you did. Yeah, so I think it's important for people to know that when you're looking for a job and you feel like you can't find one and you're an influencer and you want more sponsored content, start making it for yourself. And I'm loving it out there because eventually brands will notice.

Marta:   31:30
Brands like to work with girls that already support the brand organically before being paid. And I think it's a great sign of a good brand alignment, you know? So I feel like, yeah, if you have extra clothes or extra things that you want to feature, even though you're not being paid, might as well do that and their stories now. So if you don't want to live on your feed, you can like soul, you know, take stories and get creative with that.

Audrie:   31:30
What is something you want to see change in this industry.

Marta:   31:30
I just wish that people were more supportive and less judgmental because something that I always try to remind myself when I am up for a job. And I know there's other people that are up for it or when I like. I'm trying to get to work with a brand or a company, and I know that competition's really, like tough. I'm like, You know what? This world is so big. There's work for everybody after it's all between these for everybody. So I shouldn't be bitter because I don't get this job. Yeah, always remind yourself that you're unique in the way you are, and there's gonna be people that are gonna want that uniqueness that you have. So don't feel bad if someone else is taking that job so and still be happy for them because you know what, like good for them. So you always say, I don't think that about, um, other people getting certain jobs and maybe won't like you know what? Well, she's right for it. Like looking at it. She actually is right for it. So good for her. Good for him. you know, s O. You wish that people were more like that. like less competitive in a negative way competitions, everyone can have their cake and eat it, too. I really look at how many TV shows are out there. You know, there's so much more work for, like TV actress, an actress that maybe like, couldn't make it. But we need it. We need all different perspectives because what resonates with me might not resonate with you exactly all different types of influencers and there's room for more. We need different social media managers, different videographers, all types of creatives. It's essential to have so many different perspectives. And so you don't you don't. Competition changes that way because you know that it's only relative to your, you know, knee sure to like your field. And there's so many like other, you know, kind of like people that can do different jobs. And there's work for everybody. That's how it I think the best way to get your foot in the door is to start off focusing on once like area and then from there becoming the go to person and expanding.

Audrie:   31:30
That's that's smart and yeah, for sure. I love having you on here.Were going to jump into some rapid fire questions. Is that good? Before we do that, though, is there anything else you want to share?

Audrie:   31:30
A brander person you want to work with?

Marta:   31:30
I wanna work with Miu Miu. It's been my favorite brand since I'm like 14 have been buying it in some 14. I love everything they make. I love that they also make short films. I'm talking to them. They like me back. So 2020.

Audrie:   31:30
Who would you have create that video with you?

Marta:   31:30
Oh, my God. I love Petra Collins

Audrie:   31:30
Oh, my God. I love she is so beyond talented.

Marta:   31:30
And she's like the face of Gucci, the perfume campaigning going. And most importantly, she just seems like an amazing person. She said Super humble. Yeah. So I'd love for our Miu Miu video, which I feel like she's if she hasn't worked. I don't think she's She's worked with them yet, but I'm sure she will. Yeah. I mean, she's worked with Gucci to with such a Yeah, it's on brand. Very alright. Petra Collins were huge fans. I love your work.

Audrie:   31:30
Your favorite person to follow on Instagram, aside from Petra Collins?

Audrie:   31:30
um who be Oh, you know I love Reese Witherspoon. She is so funny I adore her. She's so cute. She's so great. Her posts are very like, you know, that have been good energy. Um she's really cool and I love her work, too, and she's great.

Marta:   31:30
What can we expect next from you? Uh, what can we expect next? I'm working on two short films that are gonna be really fun. So that's coming up soon. Um, I'm going to Paris on Saturday for couture week so that it happened soon. Hopefully, we're dropping some other design collab this year. Um, and, uh, that's about it. For now.

Audrie:   31:30
Oh, so real quick about fashion weeks. What is your input on anyone going to Fashion Week?

Marta:   31:30
I think the rule less is more can apply to this, you know, to Fashion Week, because I don't think it's good to know their brands of you when I work with and are working with and just focus on those rather than going to, like every show, every presentation, which I know a lot of girls obsessed with that. I don't think it's I don't think it's worth it because you don't wanna spread too thin. And you just want to focus on the stuff that you know is on brand. Yeah, and you're gonna go back and great a solid long term relationship with. And also it's so tiring. So focus your energy on like the few things that you care for and just be great at that. That's that's what I do try to do.

Audrie:   31:30
If someone wants to go to a show and they haven't received an invite, what would you recommend?

Marta:   31:30
Um, go on LinkedIn. Find whoever's doing the PR For that brand or marketing, follow them on Instagram and ask if you can go to the show. Here's what I do blah, blah, blah. I don't know. Sounds good.

Audrie:   31:30
What is your advice to brands when working with talent?

Marta:   31:30
Um, I know it's hard, but they should get to know the person they're hiring off course. Sometimes they're like they're trying to like, you know, um, post content so quickly and there's not enough time. But I think having a personal relationship always helps un really understanding what the talents good for and like, get better and more, you know, beneficial partnerships. So it's always good to take time to meet in person. I think brands brands do that, but they could do that more.

Audrie:   31:30
I feel like in yeah, what is your advice to talent? Working with other talent?

Marta:   31:30
 Be supportive. Understand that? As I said earlier, we're all, different. There's room for everybody. You can learn from people you can learn so much from, just like observing people. And I do that a lot because from their story, you can like, you know, like add to your story. And I think it's always good to be curious about who they are, what they do and talk to them. You know, sometimes I'm really like I like to, like, talk to people that I just met. But some people get really shy and they close up site, I would say, Just don't do that, just like, you know, be open about about other people.

Audrie:   31:30
Where can people follow you on social media?

Marta:   31:30
People can follow me on Instagram @MartaPozzan . Same for Twitter, and now I guess, Tik Tok . I just started it so I don't have a big following.

Audrie:   31:30
We met on Instagram because I found Marta. I'm not sure who posted her, but I found her account. I love the content she was creating in posting. I thought she was such a cool person and she proved me right. We met up such an L A story we met up at Erewhon. From that moment on, we didn't stay in total contact the beginning, but then But then we did eventually, eventually. Yeah. And now we worked together on a couple projects. And more than anything, we're friends. And I love everything you do. And I'm so proud of you. Thank you so much for being on the tag me podcast.

Marta:   31:30
I'm so excited for your podcast.

Audrie:   31:30
We Hope you guys enjoyed this episode.

Audrie:   31:31
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